Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope

Someone asked me about the footprint button in my sidebar. Those little feet are a link to a wonderful website started by another babyloss mom, Kristin Cook of "Dear Stevie" to give all of those who have gone through any type of infant loss, a place to connect with others who have worn their shoes.

The girls of Faces of Loss, faces of Hope have also started making hospital packets to replace the outdated materials we were all given. These packets will have contact info for grieving parents, and a link to the website where they can connect with those of us who have been in their shoes, and understand what they are experiencing.

I submitted the story of my stillbirth a while back, click here to read. I have since connected with a mother who lost her baby due to a uterine septum and also amother who lost her child to an umbilical cord torsion, which were the reasons we were given for our losses.

Talking openly about infant loss is fairly taboo in our society. For those of us who have lost a child, and want to be free to talk about our experience, our dreams, our children--without causing the room to go silent--this site has been a Godsend. We can talk to others just like us. And they get it.

If you know of anyone who has experienced the loss of a child--please spread the word about Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope. It is expanding every day with new sections, members and resource listings.
The direct link is: www.facesofloss.com

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