Saturday, November 7, 2015

Halloween 2015

We survived Halloween 2015! 

Sal had his mind made up early on that he was going to be a Popsicle for Halloween. After an Internet search for Popsicle costumes turned up exactly two results (and Pinterest was surprisingly no help!), I had to get creative and figure out how to bring his dreams to life. He wanted to be a "melty" Popsicle. Specifically, a red and orange melty one. And he wanted his legs to be the sticks. Gotta give it to him, he had given the execution of this costume some thought! 

Well, I bought foam core board and cut out a Popsicle shape and made a big bite out of it. Sal helped me figure out how to paint it and we hung an elastic loop around the top so he could "wear it like a necklace". 

He was so excited to wear it to his class parade. 

Yeah....he was stoked, but mama wasn't. 

..And by this time he had been telling me that he wanted to be a green one instead. 

What's a mom to do, but make a naptime run to Joanns to buy green poster board and butter up auntie Stephanie to print out a Popsicle logo. 

The final product was so so much better than the original. 

Carla was a jazzerciser this year. Many moons ago, my mama jazzercized herself skinny and I'd watch from the kids room thinking those ladies looked so cool. I've had this costume in mind since before she was born. 

A borrowed swimsuit, tights and some cut off knee high socks made this little aerobics costume work for less than $3 out of pocket. I repurposed a Costco size applesauce pouch box into her treat bucket by spray painting it black and using gold sharpie to make it into a boom box. A little handle from duct tape and voila....

Last but not least, G wore some hand me down skeleton pjs of Carla's. He stayed home with me and handed out candy while NZ took the bigs around the neighborhood to collect their treats. 

While they had fun collecting candy, I suspect next year will be the year that Halloween turns into a big freaking deal and all three littles will be making the rounds. I'm looking forward to what their little minds come up with for costume ideas! 

1 comment:

  1. Good job mama! Your kids are blessed to have a creative mama who knows how to craft and sew.
