He was adamant he have these at his birthday party. So adamant, that we started making them back in November. I saved & cleaned out our eggs and dyed them. He got to skip a few naptimes to cut up confetti and fill the eggs with me.
He was pumped to bring them out to share with our family and friends who came to celebrate. He even nailed his great grandma with one!!!
Nick grilled up some carne asada and we set up a taco bar for lunch. My sister made the most awesome Sal & Carla fiesta themed cookies and I made sprinkles cupcakes for dessert.
Our neighbor brought out her miniature horse and gave the kids carriage rides. For as much as Carla loves horses she wasn't so sure when I took the reins!
Nick hung a piƱata and Carla and Sal gave it their all trying to break the dang thing open. With a little of Nick's muscle, it came crashing down and my kids were in sugar heaven.
Man. I would've loved to experience an egg crash from Sal. What a kick he is!