Monday, April 22, 2013

(H)our life in a day

Happy Monday!

It's officially "my-sister-is-coming-on -Friday- omg-I-cant-contain-my-excitement" week.

So while we await Friday, here's an hour by hour recap of our Monday in waiting.

Here's to hoping this week is not the "longest week ever", so Friday can get here already!

8:15 packing up the diaper bag
9:15 IKEA cinnamon roll while we wait for the store to open
10:15 shopping for bed linens
11:15 back home..looks like someone needs a diaper change

12:15 lunchtime and emails
1:15 nap time and workout with Jillian
2:15 sippy cup sanitizing
3:15 crossing the street to get to the produce market

4:15 don't I feed this kid? Looks like snack time.
5:15 walking with a friend before the downpour came
6:15 dinner for three
7:15 bedtime for the boy

1 comment:

  1. It is indeed that week...
    "I'm-flying-to-China-to-see-my-sister-this-week-omg-I-cant-contain-my-excitement" week!

    I will see you in about 100 hours!
